Squats to a Brazilian Butt
We already know that squats can help improve the look of cellulite. It’s no secret that squats work wonders for the booty, hips, and thighs, but what you may not have realized is that there is more than one way to do a squat. Actually-there are dozens of ways to do them! If you are a little bored with the classic, simple squat and would like to spice things up, then try these 5 different squat variations to shock your glutes on the way to a nice, round booty!
1. Pistol Squat
•Raise your right leg off the floor and hold it there.
•Flex your right ankle so that your toes are higher than your heel.
•Your right leg should be straight.
•Brace your core.
•Push your hips back and lower your body as far as you can.
•As you lower your body, raise your right leg so that it doesn’t touch the floor.
•Pause, then push your body back to the starting position.
•Keep your torso as upright as possible.
2. Plié Squat
•Begin in a wide stance with toes out at a comfortable angle. Your knees will need to stay alined with your toes, so don’t go out too far.
•To add weight you can hold dumbbells on the upper thighs, a single dumbbell in front or a barbell on the shoulders or behind the head.
•Bend the knees and lower down into a squat, keeping knees in line with toes, abs contracted and back straight.
•Only go down as low as you can without compromising your flexibility or your balance.
•Push back to start without locking the knees.
3. Goblet Squat
•Begin by holding a dumb-bell or kettlebell against the middle of your chest.
•Set your feet shoulder-width apart, with toes pointing slightly out.
•While keeping your weight on your heels, start pushing your hips back and towards the floor.
•Your hips should move before your knees bend.
•Keep your chest up and try to wedge your elbows in between your knees at the bottom point of the movement – when your posterior is level with your thighs.
•Even if you can’t reach your knees, focus on pushing them slightly apart.
•Initiate the second part of the move by driving your hips forward to return to the start position.
4. Bulgarian Split Squat
•Stand with dumbbells grasped to sides facing away from bench.
•Extend leg back and place top of foot on bench.
•Squat down by flexing knee and hip of front leg until knee of rear leg is almost in contact with floor.
•Return to original standing position by extending hip and knee of forward leg and repeat. Continue with opposite leg.
5. Jump Squat
•Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging at your sides.
•Squat down until your knees are bent about 90 degrees.
• Immediately swing your arms overhead and jump upward as high as you can.
•As you land, gently bend your knees and sink back down into the squat position.
by Body Rock TV
by Body Rock TV
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